martes, 4 de mayo de 2010

"The Revenge of the Colonist"....

After protests, the colonist decided to take action in their own hands. They responded in three ways:

  • Violently: They went to the Stamp Act commissioners and grabbed their men. They would be striped down to the waist, hot tar was put or painted in their body, and later they would throw feathers or roll the victim in a pile of feathers so they would stick to the tar.

  • Intelectually: This was a resolution consisting of 7 resolves made in Virginia. their ideals were that only the Virginia General Assembly could raise or impose taxes, since their were none of their representatives in The Parliament they would not follow their acts, such as the Stamp Act.
  • Boycotts: In Fall 1774 delegates from every colony met in Philadelphia to discuss the acts imposed by the Parliament. Colonist delegates cite their opposition to The Stamp Act, The Townsen Act and The Coercive Act.

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